Taoist painting, China, 19th century.
Taoist painting, China, 19th century.

Gorgeously executed painting in fine detail on paper mounted on Chinese scroll.

Ancestor painting, China, 19th century.
Ancestor painting, China, 19th century.

Portrait of a civil servant couple with lovely detail in the background screen, altar table and clothing.

Yantra painting on cloth, Burma, 19th century.
Yantra painting on cloth, Burma, 19th century.

The master who produced this unusual and beautifully executed yantra on stiffened cotton cloth used vegetal pigments and natural ink.  In lieu of Buddha sitting at the center of the drawing and the symbolic center of the cosmic universe, there is a cross containing powerful sacred gatha (chants) and representing Mount Meru.  The overall effect of the combination of 28 Buddhas alternating with cabalistic squares is one of dimension.  Elegantly drawn deva, spirits or angels, guard each cardinal direction, giving a contradictory impression of being anchored to the central mandala and of ethereal flight.  This magical drawing invites respect for Buddha and his teachings and invokes compassion, support and protection from all directions.  42” x 42”


Painting of a Lohan, China, 19th century.
Painting of a Lohan, China, 19th century.

A rare painting by a very fine hand of a Chinese Lohan in liquid gold on a persimmon background.  Artist unknown.

Painting of a Boddhisattva, China, Qing period, detail.
Painting of a Boddhisattva, China, Qing period, detail.

Detail from a set of three paintings of Boddhisattvas, China, early 19th century. 

One of a pair of ancestor paintings, China, 19th century.
One of a pair of ancestor paintings, China, 19th century.

A rare oversized portrait of a nobleman painted on silk and mounted on a Chinese scroll.

Yao painting on cotton cloth, China, early 20th century.
Yao painting on cotton cloth, China, early 20th century.

Ink and pigment on cotton cloth depicting Taoist gods and ancestors.  Mounted on cloth stretched on a wood frame.

Yantra drawing on cloth, Lanna, Burma or Siam, circa 1900.
Yantra drawing on cloth, Lanna, Burma or Siam, circa 1900.

A piya yantra for compassion and affection, filled with charms and full of charm, probably for a man who intended to win the heart of a woman, it features double-tailed geckos, a half-horse deva (spirits or angels), and an earth goddess at the center of the cosmos.  Within circles are the peacock and the hare representing the sun and the moon.  The eight circles represent the eight major and minor compass points, assuring the the magic will travel in all directions.  2'3" x 2' 2.5" mounted on cloth stretched over a wood frame.  (Reference: Chinalai, "Sex and Spirit in Magical Yantra")

Painting of a legendary god, China, 19th century.
Painting of a legendary god, China, 19th century.

Pigment on paper mounted on a Chinese paper scroll.

Painting of a legendary god, China, 19th century.
Painting of a legendary god, China, 19th century.

Pigment on paper, mounted on a Chinese scroll.

Ancestor painting, China, Qing period.
Ancestor painting, China, Qing period.

Group portrait in fine detail, highlighting the family's formal dress and rank badges.  Painted on paper and mounted on Chinese scroll.  

Yantra drawing on cloth, Lanna, Burma or Siam, circa 1900.
Yantra drawing on cloth, Lanna, Burma or Siam, circa 1900.

Buddha is flanked by two women, most likely the goddesses of earth and water, presenting him with respectful gestures.  Buddhism dominates this drawing but combines with animistic figures to promote support and compassion between members of the opposite sex.  Mounted on cloth stretched on wood frame.

Set of three paintings, China, early 19th century.
Set of three paintings, China, early 19th century.

Paintings of Bodhisattvas, with rich mineral pigments on canvas-backed paper, each approximately 20" x 90".

Rare Taoist painting on cloth, China, early 19th century.
Rare Taoist painting on cloth, China, early 19th century.
Painting of Guan Yin, China, 18th or 19th century.
Painting of Guan Yin, China, 18th or 19th century.

Rare fine painting of Guan Yin in pigment on paper, mounted on a Chinese scroll.  

Painting, China, 19th century, detail.
Painting, China, 19th century, detail.

A detail of one painting of a rare set of ten paintings on paper mounted on Chinese scrolls of the Ten Court Judges of the underworld.

Yao painting, China, circa 1900.
Yao painting, China, circa 1900.

Thirty-six hsien, dragons and the Pa Kua are painted on cloth in this charming Yao ceremonial painting.

Temple painting on cloth, Siam, early to mid 20th century, fragment.
Temple painting on cloth, Siam, early to mid 20th century, fragment.

Paintings on long swaths of cloth were hung in Buddhist temple pavilions as visual aids for monks to teach the laity about Buddhism.  They usually depicted the last ten lives of the Buddha before enlightenment.   

Taoist painting, China, 19th century.
Ancestor painting, China, 19th century.
Yantra painting on cloth, Burma, 19th century.
Painting of a Lohan, China, 19th century.
Painting of a Boddhisattva, China, Qing period, detail.
One of a pair of ancestor paintings, China, 19th century.
Yao painting on cotton cloth, China, early 20th century.
Yantra drawing on cloth, Lanna, Burma or Siam, circa 1900.
Painting of a legendary god, China, 19th century.
Painting of a legendary god, China, 19th century.
Ancestor painting, China, Qing period.
Yantra drawing on cloth, Lanna, Burma or Siam, circa 1900.
Set of three paintings, China, early 19th century.
Rare Taoist painting on cloth, China, early 19th century.
Painting of Guan Yin, China, 18th or 19th century.
Painting, China, 19th century, detail.
Yao painting, China, circa 1900.
Temple painting on cloth, Siam, early to mid 20th century, fragment.
Taoist painting, China, 19th century.

Gorgeously executed painting in fine detail on paper mounted on Chinese scroll.

Ancestor painting, China, 19th century.

Portrait of a civil servant couple with lovely detail in the background screen, altar table and clothing.

Yantra painting on cloth, Burma, 19th century.

The master who produced this unusual and beautifully executed yantra on stiffened cotton cloth used vegetal pigments and natural ink.  In lieu of Buddha sitting at the center of the drawing and the symbolic center of the cosmic universe, there is a cross containing powerful sacred gatha (chants) and representing Mount Meru.  The overall effect of the combination of 28 Buddhas alternating with cabalistic squares is one of dimension.  Elegantly drawn deva, spirits or angels, guard each cardinal direction, giving a contradictory impression of being anchored to the central mandala and of ethereal flight.  This magical drawing invites respect for Buddha and his teachings and invokes compassion, support and protection from all directions.  42” x 42”


Painting of a Lohan, China, 19th century.

A rare painting by a very fine hand of a Chinese Lohan in liquid gold on a persimmon background.  Artist unknown.

Painting of a Boddhisattva, China, Qing period, detail.

Detail from a set of three paintings of Boddhisattvas, China, early 19th century. 

One of a pair of ancestor paintings, China, 19th century.

A rare oversized portrait of a nobleman painted on silk and mounted on a Chinese scroll.

Yao painting on cotton cloth, China, early 20th century.

Ink and pigment on cotton cloth depicting Taoist gods and ancestors.  Mounted on cloth stretched on a wood frame.

Yantra drawing on cloth, Lanna, Burma or Siam, circa 1900.

A piya yantra for compassion and affection, filled with charms and full of charm, probably for a man who intended to win the heart of a woman, it features double-tailed geckos, a half-horse deva (spirits or angels), and an earth goddess at the center of the cosmos.  Within circles are the peacock and the hare representing the sun and the moon.  The eight circles represent the eight major and minor compass points, assuring the the magic will travel in all directions.  2'3" x 2' 2.5" mounted on cloth stretched over a wood frame.  (Reference: Chinalai, "Sex and Spirit in Magical Yantra")

Painting of a legendary god, China, 19th century.

Pigment on paper mounted on a Chinese paper scroll.

Painting of a legendary god, China, 19th century.

Pigment on paper, mounted on a Chinese scroll.

Ancestor painting, China, Qing period.

Group portrait in fine detail, highlighting the family's formal dress and rank badges.  Painted on paper and mounted on Chinese scroll.  

Yantra drawing on cloth, Lanna, Burma or Siam, circa 1900.

Buddha is flanked by two women, most likely the goddesses of earth and water, presenting him with respectful gestures.  Buddhism dominates this drawing but combines with animistic figures to promote support and compassion between members of the opposite sex.  Mounted on cloth stretched on wood frame.

Set of three paintings, China, early 19th century.

Paintings of Bodhisattvas, with rich mineral pigments on canvas-backed paper, each approximately 20" x 90".

Rare Taoist painting on cloth, China, early 19th century.
Painting of Guan Yin, China, 18th or 19th century.

Rare fine painting of Guan Yin in pigment on paper, mounted on a Chinese scroll.  

Painting, China, 19th century, detail.

A detail of one painting of a rare set of ten paintings on paper mounted on Chinese scrolls of the Ten Court Judges of the underworld.

Yao painting, China, circa 1900.

Thirty-six hsien, dragons and the Pa Kua are painted on cloth in this charming Yao ceremonial painting.

Temple painting on cloth, Siam, early to mid 20th century, fragment.

Paintings on long swaths of cloth were hung in Buddhist temple pavilions as visual aids for monks to teach the laity about Buddhism.  They usually depicted the last ten lives of the Buddha before enlightenment.   

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