Waxed cotton trade cloth, painted and block-printed, Coromandel Coast, India, for export to Indonesia, 19th century.

Waxed cotton trade cloth, painted and block-printed in the rare format of a prayer niche, Coromandel Coast, India, for export to Persia, 18th/19th century. Reference: Guy, Woven Cargoes.

A rare embroidered and appliqué cotton kushan from Bhutan with wear in keeping with age but in exceptional all-original condition.
An extremely rare textile, zone dyed, with gold thread in the supplementary pattern weave.

Unique to the Yao of Vietnam, these robes have a unique, almost cartoonish charm through figures of embroidered dragons and other symbols in silk on cotton.

This rare appliqué cotton baby carrier is notable for its archaic patterning, stunning balance of colors, and whimsical and charming figures and symbols. The straps are folded behind in the photograph.

Tapestry weaving in a geometric pattern reminiscent of Indian mandalas, gives the pis siyabet a spiritual dimension. Reference: From the Rainbow's Varied Hue, pp. 74 and 75.

Waxed cotton trade cloth, painted and block-printed, Coromandel Coast, India, for export to Indonesia, 19th century.
Waxed cotton trade cloth, painted and block-printed in the rare format of a prayer niche, Coromandel Coast, India, for export to Persia, 18th/19th century. Reference: Guy, Woven Cargoes.
A rare embroidered and appliqué cotton kushan from Bhutan with wear in keeping with age but in exceptional all-original condition.
An extremely rare textile, zone dyed, with gold thread in the supplementary pattern weave.
Unique to the Yao of Vietnam, these robes have a unique, almost cartoonish charm through figures of embroidered dragons and other symbols in silk on cotton.
This rare appliqué cotton baby carrier is notable for its archaic patterning, stunning balance of colors, and whimsical and charming figures and symbols. The straps are folded behind in the photograph.
Tapestry weaving in a geometric pattern reminiscent of Indian mandalas, gives the pis siyabet a spiritual dimension. Reference: From the Rainbow's Varied Hue, pp. 74 and 75.